Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Improve Your Odds of Earning an Online Degree

By Mary C. Poodel

An online degree program is a great way for many people to earn a college degree. It is not uncommon for people to have unique situations that limit their ability to attend classes on a campus. Online classes are a great option for the people in these situations.

The internet has become a part of every day life for many people and it is necessary to be familiar with the online world in order to succeed at completing an online degree. If you aren't completely comfortable with using the internet or computers, you will want to practice using the world wide web and computers before enrolling in an online program.

Familiarize yourself with the instructors of your online courses before the courses begin. This can include figuring out how they have structured the course and reading through the course syllabus to get an idea of how heavy of a workload you can expect during the course.

Be sure to take note of all assignment deadlines. It can help to have a day planner to keep track of when assignments are due and when you should begin working on projects.

Computer problems are not uncommon occurrences, so don't wait until the last minute to take tests for your online courses. This will help avoid a situation where you miss the exam deadline because of computer problems.

Take part in the discussion forums of your online courses. You will probably be required you to answer discussion questions each week and reply to your classmates' discussions. Always be sure to have your discussion postings completed before the deadline because you will likely be graded on them.

Having friends in your classes can always be a great help in making it through courses, so try meeting your classmates. Try emailing your classmates to begin conversations and to begin your support system that will likely come into use throughout your course.

Don't wait to ask your course instructor for any clarifications you need on projects throughout your course. Asking your teacher questions as they come up can help a great deal in staying on your track to earning your online degree.

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