Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Goal Setting and Exercise

By Logan Christopher

If you do not have a particular goal, then you're mostly squandering your time. When you have a concrete goal with a burning desire behind it then everything you do towards that aim will be much more effective. By setting the goal you are ten times as certain to hit it.

Have you heard of SMART goals? This is an acronym that stands for five significant pieces of goal setting.


Is you goal explicit? The straightforward question worth asking yourself if will you know the precise moment you have finished your goal? If your answer is yes, great. If its no, then your goal isn't specific, and you will not know the proper actions to take to hit it.


Is your goal quantifiable? How will you know when you are closer to your goal then you are now? If you can measure it you can track your results. And with tracking comes improvement.


Is your goal actionable? Is this a goal you can take action on? Is it something that's in your powers of control? If it is then you can do something about it and it makes a good goal. If not, you can't do much about it so do not waste your time on it.


Is your goal realistic? Is it something that you can realistically accomplish? If you're 300 lbs. oversized and need to enter the Olympic Games next year, I'm sorry mate, you don't have an opportunity, unless they make eating an Olympic sport. Whatever it is it's got to be realistic to you in your mind.


Is you goal time-sensitive? This implies has it got a deadline. When you set a deadline you dramatically speed up the method of your attainment of that goal. Without a cut-off point your achievement can just move more and more away.

If you cover these five points when for any exercise or sport related goals you have you'll achieve much more.

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