Friday, September 2, 2011

The Origin of Speed Learning

By Sam Roxas

As someone that has an interest in taking (or already taking) speed learning lessons, do you not think it is simply right that you know its history and evolution?

Speed learning is one of the most useful scientific or psychological discoveries in recent years. And it really has an especially interesting history, not to mention a very long evolution.

Suggestopedia: Early History

When Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov first introduced "Suggestopedia" (Speed Learning ' predecessor) in the latter 1960s, a large amount of the members of the medical and teaching community raised their eyebrows.

It was regarded as a "pseudo- science" because it was first developed as a teaching technique whereby you teach somebody a certain technique by simply suggesting or making them accept that it works.

For example, you tell a kid that he's truly good at mathematics. You encourage him. You let him know that he just might be a maths whiz. The more the kid hears this, the more that he will believe it. And when he thinks it, he becomes it- he becomes a maths expert.

Suggestopedia was used to teach a group of youngsters about language. Their experiment proved to achieve success when these scholars started learning 5 times quicker with this new teaching system.

Speed Reading: US History

Now, after 10 years when it was first developed, it reached US soil and it was modified and it then turned into speed learning or accelerated learning.

Speed learning is really first and more commonly known as "speed reading" before. And it is exactly what the name says. Thru this technique, somebody is ready to read and understand a book or document in a seriously faster rate.

After a little time, speed reading branched out and more learning techniques were developed and discovered.

Brain Exercises: Systematic History

Recent studies and discoveries too about the human brain and how it functions have helped catapult speed learning into the mainstream scene.

Science has shown that there are two main parts of the brain.

The left hemisphere is the logical or analytical side of the brain. This part is stimulated when we do mathematical equations, learn science or study anything that's unproven, in nature. This is also where the short term memory is made.

The right brain, on the other hand, is the precise opposite of the left brain. When we imagine, when we visualise images, when we feel emotions, we use the right side of the brain.

Speed learning means that we should use both these hemispheres concurrently to boost the processing and recall of info.

Regardless of its dodgy start, speed learning has actually proved to be a big discovery. For years before its conception, psychological therapists and education execs have been conducting many researches on what secrets to use to enhance a person's capability to learn and remember. And well now, speed learning has provided them (and us) an answer.

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